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  • Mariah Wilson

What does Stage 2 of the Relaunch Strategy mean for you?

On June 12, the Alberta Government started Stage 2 of the Relaunch Strategy with mixed views from Albertans. On one hand, some people are happy to return to some level of normalcy but for many others there's still the worry of potentially being infected with COVID-19.

The Relaunch Strategy is also not the easiest navigate or understand since new information is released everyday about what you can and can't do. Therefore, we wanted to make a clear and concise blog post that outlines what Stage 2 means for you.

General guidelines to follow:

  • Maintain 2 metres of physical distance between everyone outside of your family or the people you live with

  • Wear a mask

  • Limit the amount of time spent in closed spaces with recycled air, such as grocery stores and restaurants

  • ​Shop during less busy times

  • Order groceries online or have them delivered, if possible

  • Avoid overcrowding in elevators and other enclosed spaces, if possible

  • Try to limit the number of times you leave your home to run errands and try to have only one person in the household running errands and going shopping

  • Practice good hygiene, including:

  • Washing hands for at least 20 seconds ("How To" Video)

  • Covering coughs and sneezes

  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands

  • Monitor symptoms and self isolate for 10 days if you're experiencing any of the following: coughing, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat

  • You can take the AHS COVID-19 self-assessment questionnaire if you think you need to be tested for COVID-19

Hosting and/or attending an event guidelines:

  • Indoor events can have a maximum capacity of 50 people. This includes birthday parties, weddings, and funeral receptions.

  • Outdoor events and/or indoor seated events where people remain seated (e.g. movie theatres and indoor performances) can have a maximum capacity of 100 people.

  • Outdoor seated events where people remain seated for the duration of the event can have a maximum capacity of 200 people. This includes firework displays, sporting events, and outdoor performances, like concerts.

  • If proper public health measures are in place, there is no cap on the number of people for:

  • Worship gatherings

  • Restaurants, cafes, lounges, and bars

  • Casinos

  • Bingo halls

  • You can now interact with other households and special interest groups in "cohort groups":

  • This is defined as small groups of people whose members don't always need to keep 2 metres apart

  • It can include a maximum of 15 people

  • Performers can have a cohort up to 50 people, which can include cast members and other performers

  • Sports teams can compete in region-only cohorts (i.e. mini leagues) of up to 50 players

  • You can be apart of both a special interest cohort and a household cohort at the same time

What services and businesses will be reopening with restrictions:

  • K-12 schools for diploma exams and summer school, following AHS guidance

  • Libraries

  • More elective surgeries and operations

  • Wellness services, such as massage, acupuncture, and reflexology

  • Personal services, such as esthetics, cosmetic skin and body treatments, manicures/pedicures, and waxing

  • Movie theatres and theatres

  • ​Instrumental concerts, as well

  • Community halls

  • Team sports (refer to cohort groups in the section above)

  • ​Indoor recreation, including gyms and arenas

  • Pools for leisure swimming

  • Bingo halls and casinos

  • Provincial campgrounds at full capacity

Events and gatherings that are still not approved in Stage 2:

  • Social gatherings that exceed maximums listed above

  • Regular in-school classes for K-12. At the moment, classes are expected to resume in September 2020

  • Vocal concerts since singing carries a higher risk of transmission

  • Major festivals and concerts, large conferences, trade shows, sporting events and tournaments, as well as other large-scale events

  • Amusement parks

  • Indoor children’s play places

  • Non-essential travel outside the province is not recommended

  • ​If you do need to travel, you'll be required to self-isolate for at least 14 days

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