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Mariah Wilson

Our Interview with Jessica Spicer

Leading up to our “Pie in the FESA” Fundraiser, we’ll be publishing a series of interviews that we’ve done with our participating Board Members. You’ll have a chance to get to know them a bit more and learn about their favourite pies, what they’re most looking forward to about the pie event and much more!

Our fifth interview is with Jessica Spicer, who is a Board Secretary on the FESA Board, and a participant in this year’s fundraiser.

FESA: What is your favourite pie?

JESSICA: My grandmother’s apple pie

F: Have you been pied before and how do you feel about potentially being pied?

J: I have not been pied before — I have to say I am not looking forward to that part but I am happy to be raising funds for FESA!

F: Are you excited about the fundraiser? If yes, why?

J: I am excited about the funds that will be raised (and matched up to 50% by Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink). These funds will help FESA offer their important literacy and learning programming to our community, which is even more crucial during these times of school closures and isolation at home.

F: Can you share any pie related stories?

J: My cousins and I love my grandmother’s apple pie, and we request it for every special family dinner. Grandma hosted a pie making ‘master class’ for us a few years ago and shared her secrets to a great pie. It is one of my favorite memories.

F: Who are you hoping for to throw the pie at you?

J: Senior Project Manager at FESA, Teal Dratowany. I have known Teal for years as I started at FESA as a staff member so I hope she would be kind and softly throw the pie !

F: If you were a pie, how would you describe yourself?

J: I will say authentic – I strive to be and I think it is a good attribute in a pie as well!

F: Lightning pie round (first thing to pop into your head): Hot or cold?

J: Hot.

F: Cheese, ice cream, or plain?

J: Ice cream.

F: Fork or spoon?

J: Spoon.

F: Cream or fruit?

J: Fruit.

F: Crust cover or no crust cover?

J: Crust cover.

F: What is your favourite FESA program?

J: This is a hard question, all FESA’s programs are so valuable but if I had to pick one, I would say Literacy and Parenting Skills (LAPS) as it was FESA’s first program and is the foundation for the other programs.

F: Do you hope someone will save you from being pied?

J: Yes!

If you’d like to donate to our fundraiser, you can click here to be taken to the donation portal. The three Board Members with the highest percentage of donations will be pied in the face at our event in September, but if we reach our goal of $10,000, all Board Members will be pied. Each Board Member has the option to be saved if you donate $1,000.

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