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  • Jessica Jarmoluk

Ways to Build Your Positive Language Toolbox—Part 2

This is the second part of our “Ways to Build Your Positive Language Toolbox” series of posts. You can read about practising positive language, self affirming statements, and acts of kindness in the first post here:

G.I.V.E. Response Skills

The GIVE acronym is a good skill to keep in mind when reacting to a scenario or conversation. It may help us to stay positive and productive during difficult situations. G.I.V.E. stands for:

  • G: be Gentle. Difficult scenarios may bring up strong emotions and urges to react strongly. It is best to avoid this, best we can to remain calm without escalating whatever the situation may be. Being gentle may look like avoiding certain behaviours such as attacks, threats, manipulations, or harassment. Instead, try expressing how you are feeling in a calm and direct manner,

  • I: act Interested. Be mindful of your body language and listen patiently. Staying interested allows you to respond appropriately and fully in the moment.

  • V: Validate. Whether that is yourself or the person you are interacting with. All feelings and views are valid and should be considered. This is a good chance to practise empathy to understand and validate various points of view.

  • E: use an Easy manner. If you can, try to bring some humour or lightness to the scenario. Practice using a softer approach and creating ease.

Positivity with your Child(ren)

Modelling is one of the primary ways that kids learn how to behave from their parents. By modelling positive behaviour and language to your child(ren), it is likely that they will also begin to use it. Here is a great worksheet that may help you practise positive language with your child(ren).

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude allows us to gain an appreciation for the things that we do have in our lives and helps us to feel fulfilled even when not everything may be perfect. This can be used all the time because usually, no one has a perfect life! Practising gratitude helps us to keep things in perspective and create a strength based approach to life. It may help us to develop a greater appreciation and acknowledgement of the good things in our lives. Here is an easy way to practise gratitude.

You can write this in a journal, say them out loud, or simply take some time to think about the following:

  • 3 things you're grateful for in your environment (nice weather, your favourite blanket, birds chirping)

  • 3 things you’re grateful for in your relationships (a friend that is a good listener, a supportive spouse, a pet who comforts you)

  • 3 things about yourself that you’re grateful for (having a good attitude that day, something you have accomplished, something you did to take care of yourself)

Notice the way you feel before and after the exercise, and any changes in the way you may perceive yourself and the world around you! Gratitude has been proven to change our brain and create many benefits, such as improvement in both physical and psychological health.


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