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What is World Nature Conservation Day?

There are a handful of days that highlight the importance of caring for our environment and July 28th, World Nature Conservation Day, is one of them. This international day is about the importance of nature and conserving endangered trees, plants, and animals. It also recognizes that a healthy environment is an important foundation for society and inspires people to take action towards sustainable living and protecting our planet for future generations.

Earth’s natural resources include air, minerals, plants, soil, water, and wildlife. Conservation is the care and protection of these resources so that they can persist for future generations. It includes maintaining diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, as well as functions of the environment, such as nutrient cycling.’ - National Geographic - Education

Ideas and resources for celebrating World Nature Conservation Day

Here are a few ways to celebrate and some resources you can use to explore World Nature Conservation Day as a family.

Making small changes

There are actions you can take both big and small to better conserve our environment.

  • Walk, ride your bike or take public transport when you can.

Did you know using public transport instead of cars can reduce up to 2.2 tons of carbon emissions per person? United Nations - Act Now

  • Bring your own reusable cups, containers and bags.

  • Research plastic free alternatives and product brands that support a sustainable environment. Next time you need to replace something like a cleaning, beauty, or food product, do some research. You might find something new you love!

Calgary Wildlife Bingo Challenge

We love this World Nature Conservation Day Bingo challenge created by Calgary Wildlife as inspiration for other ideas like watching a nature documentary, setting up a bird bath, or read a book outside in the sun.

Check it out at CalgaryWildlife.Org

Fun Online Resources for Kids

This page for Canadian Environment Week 2023 has some great resources for celebrating our environment and involving your kids, including:

  • Climate Kids has games and quizzes to learn about climate change, plastic in the ocean, and renewable energy.

  • Earth School is filled with videos, talks, info and quizzes to understand and celebrate out environment

  • The Nature Playbook is a great resource to inspire ways to connect with nature. We particularly love the 'Quick Play' activities featured throughout the book. They are great yet simple everyday ideas that you can do with your kids.

The Nature Playbook

Recyclable Material Craft Ideas

If you're feeling creative, here are some of our favourite recyclable craft projects for kids.

  • DIY Wind Chimes is a great and simple craft using leftover cans of different sizes. Decorated cans also make beautiful pencil holders, or pot planters.

  • Paint with old bottle corks to make earth themed art. You can also use other recyclable materials like bottle lids and toilet paper rolls.

  • Recycled Materials Wall Art is an extra special way to use all kinds of recycled materials creatively to make wall art.

Recycled Materials Art Wall from Art Bar

Children's Books

We love children’s books that explore nature and the environment (We already have two blogs featuring them!) so here are two more:

Be a Good Ancestor

Written by Leona Prince and Gabrielle Prince and illustrated by Carla Joseph

Rooted in Indigenous teachings, this stunning picture book encourages readers of all ages to consider the ways in which they live in connection to the world around them and to think deeply about their behaviours.

Addressing environmental issues, animal welfare, self-esteem and self-respect, and the importance of community, the authors deliver a poignant and universal message in an accessible way: Be a good ancestor to the world around you. Thought-provoking stanzas offer a call to action for each one of us to consider how we affect future generations. Every decision we make ripples out, and we can affect the world around us by thinking deeply about those decisions. - Google Books

You can borrow a hard copy or the eBook from Calgary Library.

Adelita, A Sea Turtle's Journey

Written by Jenny Goebel and illustrated by Ama Miminoshvili

One moonlit night, a young loggerhead sea turtle crawled into the ocean. As she swam and rode currents, she wandered far from the beach where she’d hatched. How far? Nobody knew for sure. In 1996, this turtle, caught in Mexico, was given a name—Adelita—and a satellite tag was attached to her shell. Then she was set free in the Pacific Ocean. Adelita’s astonishing journey home led to a new understanding of sea turtles and inspired changes that have made the world a better place for them. - Albert Whitman & Co

Other books to explore environmentalism and topics that relate – like changing seasons, honeybees and appreciating nature:


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